Google In Your Brain

By Angsuman Chakraborty, Gaea News Network
Saturday, July 29, 2006

She awakes early on the morning of April 10, 2030, in the capable hands of her suburban Chicago apartment. All night, microscopic sensors in her bedside tables have monitored her breathing, heart rate, and brain activity.

The tiny blood sample she gave her bathroom sink last night has been analyzed for free radicals and precancerous cells; the appropriate preventative drugs will be delivered to her hotel in Atlanta this evening. It’s an expensive service, but as a gene therapist, Sharon Oja knows it’s worth it.

Quantum computing has brought an unexpected revival in haberdashery: Inside the hatband is Sharon’s communication center and intelligent assistant, which has scanned and sorted the 500,000 e-mails she received overnight. By the time she reaches the car, it has beamed the 10 most urgent ones and her travel schedule to her visual cortex. The text scrolls down in the bottom of her field of vision.

At the bag drop-off, she sees a familiar man in a yarmulke-like brain cap. The hatband is already on the case and flashes his virtual business card alongside his top 10 Google results. “Dr. Horton,” she calls out. “So nice to see you again. How was the diabetes conference?” Only the slightest flicker of Horton’s eyes betrays that he is Googling her details too. “Hello, Ms. Oja,” he says. “Many happy returns of the day.” Sharon grins and gives silent thanks to the quantum computer’s creators.

Such scenarios are much closer to reality than you think. University of Virginia physicist Stuart Wolf has an out-there vision: No laptop. No cellphone. Just a headband - with direct coupling into the right side of the brain.

Read his article here for his prediction into the future. The question is not how but when with recent mind-boggling advances in molecular-level computers and quantum computing.

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