Update: I am delighted to announce the release of Angsuman's Translator Plugin Pro for WordPress 2.x blogs. It provides automatic machine translation of your blog in eight different languages - German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, Japanese, Korean and Chinese. If you liked my previous translator plugin then you are going to love it. It is search engine optimized, supports WordPress widgets, uses nice permalinks, super-fast (cacheable) and lots more.
I am very excited about the new theme we are building. Please, please, please take a look and shower it with your comments and feedback. Let us know how we can improve.
Hurricane Katrina devastated scores of IT businesses. One bright turning point has arrived - The New Orleans IT Recovery Center.
You can forcibly bind to the same address and port to which there is an open server socket by using SO_REUSEADDR option (ServerSocket.setReuseAddress(boolean on) in Java). Such reuse can be exploited by malicious applications to disrupt the functioning of the original server application and worse.
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