How can you recursively delete files and directories in windows? You can select them in explorer (in windows) and delete it, right?
The problem with the explorer approach is that if one or more files and / or directories cannot be deleted then the whole process fails. Try cleaning your Local Settings\temp directory to see an example. Most likely it will fail in windows explorer.
Also I have seen it fail when large number of files are selected. It is slow and not usable from command line.
When you checkout a repository from subversion it creates a .svn directory (with subdirectories) for every directory (and subdirectory) checked out. The .svn directory contains information about the repository and files in the directory and allows you to run svn commands without having to authenticate yourself in future. However when you want to package the source code it becomes painful to remove them by hand. You can either use a build tool like ant and exclude the .svn directories or you can use my code to clean the directory of .svn junk.
The theme is familiar to many independent movies - explicit chat about love and sex - but the tool used to shoot an Italian feature-length documentary is unique - a standard cell phone camera.
No, I am not joking. I recently found out how my web hosting provider was depriving me (unintentionally I hope) of significant revenue per month by making my site inaccessible to large number of users daily. And the way it was done took me by surprise.