Robert Knowlton, an avid eBay user, bought a pair of slippers from a very reputable dealer on eBay. Soon after he got an e-mail that looked like it was from the dealer where he bought the slippers.
A new Internet worm capable of stealing bank details and other personal data from users is circulating via Orkut, Google's social networking service, FaceTime Communications, Instant-messaging service provider, warned on Monday.
MySpace, the super-popular social networking site, is to use the UK as a base for a push into Europe that will see it link up with "old media" companies and mobile phone operators to attract more users.
When you are coding a C extension for Ruby, and you use mkmf to create your Ruby Makefile on a Solaris box, make install may fail.
Apple added new features and yet dropped the price of its video compositing and effects software by more than 80 percent.
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