We are working to provide a better mailing list for our blog readers who prefer to subscribe by email. The current provider bloglet.com is unreliable at times. Also it doesn't allow us to customize the list. There are other options like Zakoda or Feedblitz, but I prefer hosting it. Also now mailing list subscriptions will be available on all of our blogs. It will be released just after the translator plugin pro (overdue).
They say a picture is worth thousand words. Let the picture speak for itself, in style.
(click for full view)

DKMS - Dynamic Kernel Module Support provides a framework where kernel dependent module source can reside so that it is very easy to rebuild modules as you upgrade kernels. This will allow Linux vendors to provide driver drops without having to wait for new kernel releases while also taking out the guesswork for customers attempting to recompile modules for new kernels.
Phishing has been around for years. You get an email that looks like it arrived from financial institutions like PayPal or Bank of America. It tells about some problem with your account and asks you to login to you account (web interface) and validate / correct certain details. It warns of dire consequences on failure to comply. The scammers have now added a new twist to this plot - Vishing.
The key new features of Firefox 2.0 beta (with brief commentary) are:
Integrated spell-checker - no more excuse for poor spelling in form data
Bookmarked web site summary - small updated headlines that sites can create that display in the bookmark sidebar in Firefox
Crashed session recovery - finally I can replace tab browser extension
Re-open recently closed tabs - this one is a life-saver
Anti-phishing warning popup - I hate popups but will let this one slide.
Search suggestion - live dropdown of suggested terms while searching
Tab close button on tabs - Personally I like ctrl-w better, a close button on every tab just makes it more crowded, not convenient
RSS feed preview - provides information on an RSS feed when the user is subscribing to it
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