Bryan O'Bryan is well known longtime Mac enthusiast and editor of ResExcellence.com, a popular Macintosh website. He runs a Mac-specific software company and also podcasts at castablasta.com. Recently he switched over from Mac to Linux, specifically Ubuntu. This is not a story of a dilettante. He was soaked in Mac and "fell in love". In his words - "I was crazy excited. I was at the apex of Mac geeky-ness. I ran a known Mac software company, hosted a big Mac website. I was all Mac." He provides insight into his choice which highlights some of the issues with Apple community and Apple software in general. Let's take a look at his reasons...
Google has released new anti-fraud measures that provides its advertisers reports of invalid clicks through its AdWords system.
Cult of the dead cow, creators of infamous BackOrifice software, released a secure, user-friendly, free, open source instant messaging software to facilitate anonymous communication and secure file transfers.
I am delighted to announce the release of Angsuman's Translator Plugin Pro for WordPress 2.x blogs. It provides automatic machine translation of your blog in eight different languages - German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, Japanese, Korean and Chinese. If you liked my previous translator plugin then you are going to love it. It is search engine optimized, supports WordPress widgets, uses nice permalinks, super-fast (cacheable) and lots more.