Reuters Fake Photograph of Beirut ConflictReuters withdrew all 920 photographs by a freelance Lebanese photographer from its database on Monday after an urgent review of his work showed he had altered two images from the conflict between Israel and the armed group Hizbollah.
U.S. service members who died in Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom. Bush & US Soldiers Killed in Iraq via Bad Bad Bush You can view the full list here.
These instructions to disable or uninstall the pilot version of Microsoft Windows Genuine Advantage Notifications are from the horse's mouth i.e. Microsoft itself. Note: If you are looking to cleanly remove Windows Genuine Advantage Final version then look here.
Watch the video presentation Jon "Johnny Cache" Ellch and David Maynor at Black Hat USA 2006 conference in Las Vegas on a new method for remotely (using Wireless) circumventing the security of an Apple Macbook computer to seize total control over the machine.
In Worldwide Developer's Conference 2006 Apple has posted an interesting banner which reads "Introducing Vista 2.0" to introduce Mac OS X 10.5. You can view the photo taken by Gernot Poetsch which almost clearly shows the banner at Moscone West. Vista 2.0 via Tuaw Note: Click on the image for larger view which almost shows the text.
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