Now that I got your attention what Apple is doing is almost as bizarre as the title. Apple has sent "cease-and-desist" letters to makers of unrelated electronic devices containing the word "pod". Two companies have been asked to remove the word from their products. They don't manufacture MP3 players.
Unisys is offering a $50,000 reward for information leading to the recovery of a missing desktop computer that belongs to the US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).
6 steps to setup your free online store using Google Base & Google Checkout.
Click on the "Sign In" link on the Google Base homepage.
Click on "Post an Item," click the "Choose an existing item type" dropdown menu, and select the item type ("Products" or "Vehicles").
Fill in the fields on the "Edit item" page. The more relevant information you include, the better we can match searches to your item.
Click "Edit" next to the Payment header and select the "Google Checkout" checkbox, which tells us that you to include a "Buy button" on your hosted page enabling customers to use Google Checkout when they buy from you.
At the bottom of the page, click on "Publish." You'll be asked to sign up for Google Checkout. If you don't want to include your bank account information immediately, that's okay; you can provide this information later.
You'll receive an email when someone buys your item.
Finally a clean-room implementation of Google's Page Rank Algorithm in Java, reverse-engineered from their numerous commentary on Page Rank (or is it Pigeon Rank?).