PodTech.NetI was just visting PodTech.net, Robert Scoble's (ex-human face of Microsoft) new startup. It was founded in 2005 by John Furrier in 2005. One think struck me most at PodTech.net. The site simply didn't encourage me to listen to any podcasts or even browse. My eyes just glazed over. I looked again and here are 3 simple reasons why.
sandisk mp3 playerSanDisk Corp. unveiled what is arguably the world's largest capacity, flash-memory based MP3 player with 8 GB memory.
SalesForce CRMShares of salesforce.com, which manages customer relationship data for corporations, jumped 19%, as the San Francisco-based firm beat consensus estimates across the board. This was despite reported profit loss of $145,000 for the second quarter.
U.S. District Judge Anna Diggs Taylor said the spying program, which was authorized by President George W. Bush shortly after the 9/11 terrorism attacks but remained undisclosed until late last year, violates constitutional rights of free speech, privacy and the separation of powers.
A Chinese blogger finds Google.com inaccessible around 60% of the time whereas Google.cn is perfectly accessible. Is it coincidence or intetnional?
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