We released Angsuman’s Translator Plugin Pro for WordPress 2.x blogs on August 14th, exactly a week back. I am very happy by the positive response from the community and feedback we received. Subsequently we released a mini-update this weekend to allow users to use their own set of flags. However we are still not fully satisfied. We are working to make it even simpler to choose between different set of flags, to allow png images etc. Check MacManx for a nice example of using famfamfam flags with this plugin. I am planning another release this weekend with at least 5 exciting features based on customer requests. The rapid pace with which we are rolling out features and fixing problems makes me very happy. I have a developer (more on her later) dedicated to this project who has worked hard for the past few weeks in rolling out this plugin with my guidance. She will continue to work on this and develop new releases and continue to support it in future.