Search engines like Google often fetch your site description from ODP (Open Directory Project) description instead of fetching it from the site content or meta-tags. This may not always be desirable as it may not represent your site properly. However luckily you can specify whether search engines can use ODP titles & descriptions. To prevent all search engines (that support NOODP) from using the titles and descriptions from DMOZ, enter this line in your meta tags:
Three lessons I learned the hard way while developing a PHP based product, Translator Plugin Pro for WordPress. Let me know if you find them useful.
Google StockIt may be inconceivable to many but Google has actually lost search market share by one percentage point while Yahoo gained in July.
Update: I am happy to announce the long awaited release of Anaconda theme for WordPress 2.x (and above) blogs. Your search for a good css based three column WordPress theme is finally over. You can get it here.
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