In two simple steps: 1. Login as root. You can also su from your non-root login. 2. Run: yum update openssh openssh-askpass openssh-clients openssh-server openssh-askpass-gnome
Suddenly my Hard-disk & MySQL Server had gone read-only, thereby making this blog (because it is cached) and other sites inaccessible, including ssh access. Do you have any idea why this could have happened?
FairUse4WM can be used to strip Windows Media DRM 10 and 11 (i.e. PlaysForSure, but not WM DRM 9). Music providers like Napster and Yahoo Music Unlimited provide subscription service for unlimited access to Windows Media DRMed files. However if you stop paying the fee you stop getting access to the files. This software allows you to strip DRM from such files.
Today I received a 419 scam email with a difference. It speaks of "genuine love". I continue to be amazed by their innovative techniques of scamming. Enjoy!
Chief executive Jacob "Kobi" Alexander, who turned fugitive, has been tracked down in Sri Lanka by a private investigator based on a one-minute Skype call he made from Columbo.
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