Privacy watchdog - is an academic project supported by Sun and Google among others that aims to establish a neighbourhood watch-style scheme to put pressure on purveyors of unsavoury programs. It has classified AOL's software as potentially damaging badware.
Japan's Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications is earmarking Y300 million in its 2007 budget to produce what the Asahi Shimbun terms a lie-detector for online information.
Update: Angsuman's Translator Plugin Pro Version 3.0 has been released. Please read the details here. We are testing version 3.0 of Angsuman's Translator Plugin Pro for WordPress 2.x blogs. We are overwhelmed by the encouraging response from the WordPress community. After the initial releases we had lots of positive response and feedback on how we can improve this plugin. And we listened to all of your requests. The key features of this new release are:
I come from the background of non-glamorous corporate development where we developed rock-solid code with very few defects, if any. And yes we had to sit through endless design meetings, reviews and more meetings. Over the years I realized top-notch developers in this field share very similar traits. I am talking about developers who alone can pull through your development efforts, developers who are so indispensible that you cannot imagine a day without them, who you would retain at almost any cost (if you are intelligent) and who features in almost every board meetings.
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