Oracle has continued its push into business intelligence analytics by releasing PeopleSoft Enterprise Performance Management 9. The release adds broader enterprise planning and compliance management capabilities, as well as more features specific to higher-education institutions, including a Campus Solutions Warehouse module.
apple logogoogle logoApple Computer said that Eric Schmidt, chief executive of Google, was joining its board.
sony 18x dvdr burnerSony released DVR writer named AWG170A (they need to fire their naming department), touted as world's fastest, with a blazing 18x speed for burning single layer disks. It would write your 16x discs too at the higher speed.
The government in India’s southern state of Kerala is campaigning to eliminate Microsoft products from use in public institutions.
AT&T said hackers broke into one of its computer systems and accessed personal data, including credit card information, on thousands of customers who used its online store.
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