Firefox Extension ShowcaseIf you, like me, have lots of Firefox tab open at the same time then this extension is a must have. It allows you to easily view all your tabs with a simple key - F12. You can use it in two ways: global mode (F12) or local mode (Shift + F12). In global mode, a new window will be opened with thumbnails of the browsers you've opened in all windows. In local mode, only tabbed browsers of your current window will be shown. Just click the thumbnail of the browser you want, and it will be shown to you automatically. You can also right click in those thumbnails to perform the most usual operations on them. Mouse middle button can be used to zoom a thumbnail, although other actions can be assigned to it.
Overview We have released Angsuman's Translation Plugin Pro Version 3.0. This comes with several new features and enhancements, defects reported in version 2.0 has been fixed. The main thrust of this release is flexibility and configurability. We have exposed lot's of choices to the end-user (blogger) with reasonable choices as default. This will ensure zero-configurability as before. However it now allows you to fine-tune the translator to your liking for each translated language. Please read below for the new features and where to get it.
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