Last week was an interesting one as hot debate raged over Joel Spolsky's article on enterprise language, Hani rightly bashed copious logging of open source software and my article on hacking attempts from Caltech topped the list of most read articles. We released Anaconda, a beautiful 3 column WordPress theme and version 3 of Translator Plugin Pro for WordPress.
First let's go over Joel Spolsky's article on programming language for enterprise application development.
Joel Spolsky was asked four important questions on enterprise development. Joel didn't offer a clear answer on some of them. Here is my take on all the questions.
It is surprising to see MySpace still allows simple hacks like this. You can view any user's private videos on MySpace with this simple trick.
Angsuman's Translator Plugin Pro and Translator Plugin Gold offer tremendous SEO advantage ethically to your blog by instantly providing 8 times the original number of pages. These pages are indistinguisable to search engines and are treated as any other pages of your blog. ptvguy from WordPress forums has provided a crystal clear explanation of the SEO benefits for your blog: