I am talking about setting up a full featured website for your small business or personal use with your own domain and receiving your emails@your-domain.com address.
You can setup emails for yourself and your employees. It comes with high quality spam protection. You have unlimited bandwidth on your website and potentially unlimited disk space. You can IM between your employees at remote locations. You and your employees can setup one or more calendars which can be shared. You can also sell your products for free.
There is no catch. You do not have to pay more than $5.99 per year and you do not have to display any ads or other advertisements on your site or anywhere else. And if you own a domain then it is all free. Interested?
How to get your domain name?
How to register your domain name?
How to get free website and email addresses for your domain?
How to create your free website?
How to setup your free email accounts?
How to setup IM for your employees & company calendar?
How to reliably accept payments online?