GoogleI am not talking about providing blogging software / service like Blogger. It looks like Google (at least Google India) may actually venture into blogging themselves. Their quarter page advertisement for hiring in Times of India (one of the leading Indian newspaper in English) is very interesting. "Google is searching for writers who choose their words carefully and relish the spirit of competition."
I have been using Meebo, an AJAX based online instant messenger and website communicator, for quite sometime. This is a review of Meebo, what works and what doesn't. What's good about Meebo? Convenience - Meebo is a quick and simple way to connect to multiple Instant Messaging services from a single browser window. It supports AOL, Yahoo!, ICQ, Jabber, GTalk, MSN & its own MeeboMe service. I find it more convenient to use than Trillian. MeeboMe - MeeboMe provides a simple way to chat with people on your site. I am using it on this site. You can chat with me anytime from my website when I am logged in Meebo. You will find the tool in my sidebar (scroll down). It also provides a simple way to view how many users are on your site at any time. You can also try to initiate a conversation with your site visitors, provided they look at the chat tool.
We have just released version 3.1 of popular Translator Plugin Pro for WordPress blogs with better performance and bug fixes. This new version will be shipped to all of our new and existing customer within 24 hours (lifetime free upgrade). Please honk if you haven't received your copy in 24 hours :) The key features and defect fixes in this release are: 1. Translator Plugin Pro can now also be used on localhost to allow you to test it before deployment. 2. Translator Pro is now strict XHTML 1.0 compliant. 3. We have improved the performance by reducing pre-processing time. 4. We fixed a defect in rewrite rule which prevented posts slugs ending with es or de from being translated. 5. Now you can specifically include file extensions to translate. Previously any file extensions were erroneously assumed suitable for translation, which creates problem with file types like zip or mp3. By default only (virtual) files without extensions, directories and files with .htm and .html are translated. 6. The class names of first and second row of translator in long format has been changed to tgTranslatorFirstRow and tgTranslatorSecondRow respectively. 7. The original user agent passed by the browser is now used to fetch the pages (helps themes which uses the user agent to serve different stylesheets like Wuhan) as well as passed to translation engines. Previously Internet Explorer user agent was used in all cases. 8. We changed all generated html code to use single quotes. This is a nicety. I like clean code. 9. We have stopped trying to translate feeds. Feeds have a xml structure and translator engines cannot properly translate them. In version 4.0 we have plans to try to individually translate feed items and construct the feed for translated versions. BTW: Did you know Google loves our translated pages? What are you waiting for? Get Angsuman's Translator Pro now and move ahead of you competition.
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