It is hiring time again! Srini has devised an algorithm for hiring at Taragana which I think very appropriately describes our hiring funnel: if (isClueless()) { goToIBM(); } else if (runOfTheMill()) { goToWipro(); } else if (thinkUMLIsDesign() && bigAmbitionToBeADesigner() && chooseVariableNamesLikeTheLengthOfThisOne()) { goToAccenture(); } else if ( appreciateDesign() && (knowJava() || knowPHP()) && isTrueDeveloper()) { welcome(); }
I think I just had a conversation with a splogger wannabe. Read the gory details: [15:54] Tbs: You there mate..?? [15:56] angsuman: Yes [15:57] Tbs: great.. I am Tbs from [[Location]].. Can you help me out to get a auto poster for wordpress? there is a plugin available.. but i dont know which one it is [15:59] angsuman: Why do you want an auto poster? They are normally not well regarded by the community and shunned by search engines. Your site could easily get banned or even booted. [16:00] Tbs: actually, i need it for a worthless blog of mine .. i am just trying to fill it up. [16:00] angsuman: Personally I don't encourage auto posters. [16:00] angsuman: It is better not to fill it up then. [16:01] angsuman: Why pollute the blogosphere and face the wrath of the community ? [16:01] Tbs: yepp.. thanks for the help [16:01] Tbs: anyway.. nice site you have. At this point he lost interest. Sometime later he came back to ask me my personal details. I hope I have dissuaded him enough, at least for sometime.
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