Translator Plugin Pro flags can be individually styled to fully customize to your needs. This allows you to place them in unique locations on your page, style them to your needs and more. For example we used this property to rotate the flags using Javascript to create a dynamic logo for taragana network on our test site. Each flag is enclosed in an anchor tag with unique id. So to access the german flag you should write the folllowing CSS: #flag_de img { width: 18x height: 12px } The full list if CSS descriptors you can use to access the flags are: German Flag#flag_de img Spanish Flag#flag_es img French Flag#flag_fr img Italian Flag#flag_it img Portuguese Flag#flag_pt img English Flag#flag_en img Japanese Flag#flag_ja img Chinese Flag#flag_zh-CN img Korean Flag#flag_ko img You can find more about customizing the flags here. Note: Angsuman's Translator Plugin Pro (features, testimonials, get software) is a professionally designed plugin which provides automatic machine translation of your blog in eight different languages - German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, Japanese, Korean and Chinese. It is search engine optimized, supports WordPress widgets, uses nice permalinks, super-fast (cacheable) and lots more.
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