dark chocolateA few bits of dark chocolate a day can have the same benefit as aspirin in reducing blood clots and preventing heart attacks, researchers from Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine concluded in a study of chocolate lovers. "What these chocolate 'offenders' taught us is that the chemical in cocoa beans has a biochemical effect similar to aspirin in reducing platelet clumping which can be fatal if a clot forms and blocks a blood vessel, causing a heart attack," lead researcher Diane Becker from Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine told the annual conference of the American Heart Association, in Chicago.
I am going on a business trip to USA, tentatively on 24th of November. I will be around Carlsbad, California. The trip is for 10 days (including 3 days of travelling). I will be doing what I love to do most - envisioning and architecting next generation (read Web 3.0) web applications for my (S&P 500) client. I think it will be something worth remembering, if we can even get to do 10% of what we are envisioining.
You can find here where do you stand worldwide in terms of your wealth. It should be a gentle reminder to many that we should donate more and accumulate less, after all you can't take it with you, or can you?
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