I have two expired blogads ads still displaying on my site. They have expired quite sometime back. As per Blogads terms and conditions they shouldn't be displayed when their duration expires. This affects us as publishers.
AdRotator Overview WordPress plugin AdRotator enables you to display an advertisement (which is randomly selected from a group of advertisements specified in a text file) at your chosen location anywhere in your WordPress blog (other free WordPress plugins we provide). Adding ad code is trvial. You simply add this code in your template, where you want to show the advertisement: <?php echo getad('bannerad'); ?> It searches for the file wp-content/bannerad.txt, chooses one ad randomly from it and displays it. You should replace bannerad with the name of your actual text file without the ending txt extension. Ref: AdRotator User Manual How to display rotating ads directly in your WordPress posts or pages? The key problem is that WordPress doesn't allow php code in your posts and pages. And the code above is php code. The solution is very simple.
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