1. More regular posting Sometimes I have posted too many and sometimes none. I aim to post more regularly in 2007
2. Improved layout of the blog I may not drastically change the look and feel but I will extensively tweak it in the coming months. It's going to be a year of experiments and changes.
3. Products and services We will release several products and services in 2007, so expect to see some posts on them as this blog is my primary means of communication and announcements
4. Kick arse functionality I will be experimenting with several cutting edge features in this blog and we will make some of them available to use in your blogs too.
5. Strong industry coverage I will provide better coverage of software development and Web 2.0 industry. If there is something big or interesting in the industry you will find it here. On the other hand if you don't find it here then it isn't probably interesting :)