I am very happy to announce the long-awaited release of Angsuman's Translator Plugin Pro version 4.0. This release contains several exciting new features:
Multi-Language Support
Translator Plugin Pro 4.0 supports blogs written in 14 different languages - English, German, Russian, Arabic, French, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Dutch, Swedish, Greek, Japanese, Korean and Chinese.
In Translator Plugin Pro 4.0 we localize strings to better support blogs in non-English languages. The language packs for non-English languages are not available in this release. However users are free to create them using mo file format used also by WordPress.
Translation in 13 Languages
Translator Plugin Pro 4.o provides translation from each of these 14 languages to the 13 other languages. In short this means that with Translator Plugin Pro your blog instantly gets 13 times more pages serving a much much wider audience. Now your blog will be accessible to approximately 2.5 billion (1 billion = 1000 million = 1,000,000,000) people around the world. As a comparison an English only blog can be read by merely 309 million people. Source: Ethnologue, An encyclopedic reference work cataloging all of the world’s 6,912 known living languages.
Population reach using Translator Plugin Pro 4.0
* The Min data indicates the population considering only the standard / main dialect of that language. The Max data indicates the population including other dialects of that language. The Min data is a conservative estimate while the Max data is somewhat optimistic estimate of reach.
Translator Plugin Pro offers you three translation engines to choose from with tons of modes and options in each. We have extensively tested all the combinations for each language pair and have selected as default the best combination. You are however encouraged to play with the options to fine-tune the plugin to your needs.
Password Protected Blog Support
Translator Plugin Pro 4.0 supports translation even for password protected blogs. Translator 4.0 can translate even password protected blogs and pages, accessing the documents with the same privilege as the requester. You can, for example, use Authenticated User plugin to password protect your blog and yet Translator Pro will be able to translate pages for priviledged users (who has the permission to access the blog).
Translator Pro architecture and data structure was redesigned to enable us to easily add additional translation engines with very little effort. The plugin moved away from overloading the options to store its data to using the database tables directly. This will help users in restrictive environments with low limits of MySQL row data size.
Translator Plugin Pro supports wide variety of environments. It works with or without curl support, with or without safe mode, with or without open_basedie settings, in a variety of servers etc. In short Translator Plugin Pro will leverage the capabilities of an environment when available, when it is not available it uses alternative options. However it will still work fine.
Translator Plugin Pro 4.0 achieved enviable benchmark results in performance tests with average response time of 151 milliseconds serving 5 concurrent users, serving 759 KB/sec. This proves the value of Translator Plugin Pro's dual-caching technology. Read the details of Translator Plugin Pro's performance test here.
Translator Plugin Pro is designed to work seamlessly with WordPress object cache. However it has been also tested with wp-cache 2 and it works perfectly with it too along with other third party cache engines like eAccelerator. Translator Pro has been designed to be scalable and high performant.
Remote Diagnostics
Translator Plugin Pro 4.0 is equipped with extensive debugging and diagnostic capability on demand. This allows use to remotely debug most of the common problems you may ever face. Translator Plugin Pro works seamlessly out of the box for 99% of our customers. For the remaining 1% we are there to support you and solve any problems you may face. Now we can do it even faster.
Well Tested
Translator Plugin Pro has been rigorously tested and has been beta tested by several customers for prolonged period of over a month or more. We have tested it in all version of WordPress, starting from 2.0.4 to 2.0.7.
Upgrade & Delivery
Existing customers will be upgraded for free within 7 working days. We have setup a semi-automated process. I am hopeful we can beat the estimate of 7 days, but just in case :)
New customers will get their software within one working day as before.
You can see a demo of Translator Plugin Pro 4.0 on several of our sites like Stem Cell Research Blog, Law Blog, Eye Care Blog, Computer Jobs Blog etc.
Translator Plugin Pro is is search engine optimized, supports WordPress widgets, uses nice permalinks, super-fast (cacheable), scalable and lots more.
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