Translator Plugin Pro 4.0 is a significant step forward in terms of architecture of Translator plugin. I have re-architected the software to allow pluggable translation engines. No longer are we dependent on one or two translation engines. We can add more at will. Currently we are using three translation engines to give you 14 X 13 language translations. In other words your blog can be in any of the 14 supported language and it will be translated to 13 other major world languages. In future we will add more.
The architecture is designed to take advantage of external caching engines like WordPress object cache or wp-cache 2. With WordPress object cache 2 enabled we serve translated pages twice as fast as ordinary untranslated pages.
The amount of testing we had done on this release is tremendous, primarily because of the huge amount of options we support for each of 182 language pairs. We had to deal with idiosyncracies of translation engines, of hosting environments and more.
The underlying goal of Taragana in developing Translator Plugin Pro and all our future products is very simple:
1. We want to provide the best quality product possible with current technologies
2. We want to support the product so each and every customer is fully satisfied. Unlike so called free products, you can expect high quality responsible support.
3. We want to provide innovative but simple solutions to complex problems.
4. Your Translator Plugin Pro will never become obsolete. We are commited to provide unlimited free upgrades.
We are also working of Translator for Web product which is based on the same acrhitecture but will be usable on any website, not just WordPress. It will follow a parallel development path. The core features will be the same in both the products.
BTW: I have finally upgraded this blog to 2.x (2.0.7) because I wanted to take advantage of Translator Plugin Pro 4.0. Check it out the my right sidebar of this blog.
Translator Plugin Pro is is search engine optimized, supports WordPress widgets, uses nice permalinks, super-fast (cacheable), scalable and lots more.
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