MySpaceMySpace has filed suit against notorious spammer and self-proclaimed "spam king" Scott Richter and alleged cohorts for sending what could become known as MySpam. Yesterday MySpace filed a complaint in a District Court in Central District of California, USA demanding a jury trial against Richter's for sending spam messages disguised as communications from members to other MySpace members.
One of the frequent requests with Angsuman's Translator Plugin Pro software is for alternative flag images for display. We have addressed this demand in two ways. First of all we have changed the flag images to better looking, at least I and my QA lead thinks, and slightly bigger, though smaller in size, flag images from Famfamfam. I have also included below three other alternative set of flags you can use with Translator Plugin Pro. All you have to do is replace the default images folder (in Translator Plugin Pro directory) with the one provided in the zip file. Note: The images below are scaled. In reality Big Bertha is the biggest while Thumbelina is the smallest in size. Big Bertha Big Bertha Bigger flag images for Translator Plugin Pro, lovingly nicknamed Big Bertha. Like Big Bertha, the famous cannon, these flag images are optimized and so are the smallest in size. Download: Big Bertha Standard Standard flag images These are the images from the original version of Translator plugin and were on display on this site, untill very recently. My innovative juice ran out while naming it, so you have it here - Standard. Download: Standard flag images Thumbelina Small flag images These are the smallest (visually; not in size) flag images for Translator Plugin Pro. They were default till 3.2 version. I lovingly nicknamed them Thumbelina, based on the super-small fairy tale heroine. Download: Small flag images aka Thumbelina Famfamfam Famfamfam Flag Images These are images from famfamfam (thanks Mark James). They look beautiful in my humble opinion and are currently the default. Download: Famfamfam Flag Images We would be happy to add additional sets based on your suggestions. Just let me know. Note Translator Plugin Pro is a WordPress plugin to automatically provide machine translation of your blog in 13 additional major languages. It is search engine optimized, supports WordPress widgets, uses nice permalinks, super-fast (cacheable), scalable and lots more. 1. Read more 2. Features 3. Testimonials 4. Get Software
This is a review of the book Managing and Customizing OpenCms 6 by Matt Butcher and published by PACKT Publishing.
Übermensch is often incorrectly translated in English as Superman. The word Superman lacks the German connotation of mastery of a sphere beyond human knowledge and power. In addition, Mensch is closer to the English word "human" then "male". Mensch is to be understood as a neutral form of a noun. Übermensch is someone with knowledge and power over and beyond normal human being. The fictional character Superman merely have more of certain powers we understand. For example you can emulate his heat rays with a high powered laser and so on.
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