Effectively this means that any retail upgrade DVD can be used as a fully functioning full retail copy of Vista. You can pay the price of an upgrade DVD version to get a clean Vista installation! The steps have been confirmed.
I recently faced a strange situation where my mail server was showing over 700 emails but Microsoft Outlook was failing to download them with timeout error. The problem was that it wasn't downloading even a single email. Here's how I solved it.
Investigators at the University of Alberta have recently reported that the drug DCA is able to cause tumor regression in a number of human cancers growing in animals. The drug, dichloroacetate (DCA), is being used for years to treat rare metabolic disorders and is known to be relatively safe. It is also not protected by patents and hence could be made very cheaply, much cheaper than normal anti-cancer drugs. The best part is that DCA (dichloroacetate) actually makes the cancer cells healthy by reactivating their mitochondria, their main power generator, which in turn makes cancer cells mortal like the other cells. The drug doesn't affect the normal cells of the body.
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