A hilarious video by Kirk Cameron, until I realized he was actually serious, attempts to prove creationism by showing how a well made Banana fits into your hand (btw: and so does something else too) for eating. See Kirk's video below:
PBS is an old name in distributed batch processing circles. We had used it earlier in DoubleTwist for genomic annotations. Portable Batch System (or simply PBS) is a software job scheduler that allocates networked resources to batch jobs. It can schedule jobs to execute on networked, multi-platform UNIX environments (and widnows if you are using PBSPro). It is a superb envrionment to run discrete jobs in wide variety of languages (language independent) like Java or Perl (we used both). For a long time PBS was free and openly available. However recently it is hidden behind compulsory regsitration which has to be manually reviewed (with promise of taking several days to approve). In short lots of pain. An alternative is to download PBSPro at a premium price. However I have better alternatives for you.
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