Today while setting up and trying new application I found that one of the Gnome panels containing Applications, Places and System menu (taskbar for Windows users) wasn't displaying. After restarting the Gnome session I found an error message along the lines of: Error panel already running will exit panel. It repeated 6-7 times and then the none of the panels displayed! I tried several suggestions from the net and yet none worked. However I didn't believe nvidia drivers were the problem, as few suggested, and refused to reinstall them. And then I found the really simple solution.
Go to the following menu: System -> Preferences -> More Preferences -> Sessions
RSSOwl is a high quality cross-platform (written in java; uses swt library) RSS / Atom Feed reader which is a superior free alternative to Newzcrawler or Feedreader for linux. Fedora Core 6 provides an RPM distribution for it (doesn't work) which you can install simply by: yum install rssowl However as stated before it doesn't work. You are unable to save any changes to your profile including new feeds, proxy settings etc.
Anaconda has a well documented defect where it installs i586 based kernel in i686 machines. It causes problems with several drivers including nvidia drivers. Also you will gain performance improvement by moving to i686 kernel. Let's upgrade the kernel in just 7 steps.
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