ADSL conenctions are flaky in Calcuta. They tend to go out often and stay off for prolonged periods. However whenever they come back I want to reconnect immediately and also update DynDNS servers so they point to proper IP address. On windows this happens automatically. However on Linux the only client available (the API is simple, you can write one yourself easily) is inadyn which updates, if necessary, periodcially, say every 10 minutes. Secondly inadyn once run, continues to run by default, checking for changes every n minutes. I don't want to check every n minutes. What I really want is to check DSL connection every minute to see if its up. If the connection went down then I want to reconnect immediately and then update the DNS dyndns server. I want to comply with their policies and update once every 15 days to prevent the domain from expiring, even if the IP address remains same. provide capability to allow web viewers to get a image preview of pages behind the links. While it sounds like an advantage, in my experience it is a major distraction while viewing the site. Recently I was in Ryan Boren's site which uses snap for link preview. The article was interesting but the big snapshots kept popping up. As my link isn't superfast, it took sometime for it to display the image. It was very annoying as I was unable to easily read the site and I had to move the cursor carefully to avoid links!