"In our families there are the heads; some of them are successful, others are not. Why? We complain of others in our failures. The moment I am unsuccessful, I say, so-and-so is the cause of the failure. In failure, one does not like to confess one's own faults and weaknesses. Each person tries to hold himself faultless and lay the blame upon somebody or something else, or even on bad luck. When heads of families fail, they should ask themselves, why it is that some persons manage a family so well and others do not. Then you will find that the difference is owing to the man -- his presence, his personality.
Active immunization is an extremely interesting technique in fighting against internet based viruses, trojans and worms. Laurent Oudot of the Rstack team created a prototype in 2003. He identified hosts compromised with msblast.exe worm using honeyd - a popular honeypot and then immunized them using the same exploit (to obtain a shell) as the worm itself and run a simple script to clean the system of the worm.
BSNL DataOne provides software for connecting to Linux. However I found that you can setup much easier and without using their custom software.