Gnome startup scriptsI needed to run Synergy server for my triple monitor setup at startup of Gnome session. crontab isn't going to help here. I found a simple solution in Sessions applet located at System->Preferences->More Preferences->Sessions. It allows you to add scripts to run during X session startup.
I have a love-hate relationship with Alliance Broadband, mostly hate. I took their service twice or thrice and ended up dropping them in favor of BSNL Dataone Broadband. The hate was mostly from poor connectivity in the past. Today I noticed they have a attractive (from Indian standpoint) package: Super Executive Pack
Indian government proposes to offer all citizens of India free, high-speed broadband connectivity by 2009, through the state-owned telecom service providers BSNL and MTNL. This has the potential to kill current telecom business model in India. As a consumer and internet based service provider, I whole-heartedly support this proposal.
Triple MonitorI started using dual monitors (SyncMaster 740N) on Linux (Fedora Core 6) about a month back on my new dream computer. I used GeForce 6200 LE with 256 MB RAM which provides for dual monitors with a VGA and DVI output. I had to use a DVI to VGA converter to attach the second monitor. Getting them to work was a pain on Linux. Finally I solved it with nvidia driver from Livna repository. Here is how I moved from single monitor to using dual monitors and then finally to triple monitors, the third one running Windows XP; all working seamlessly from the same keyboard and mouse and without using KVM. The monitors behave as a single big screen with individual controls. You can even use the techniques given here to use multiple monitors and screens without additional hardware or KVM.
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