No seriously, a significant portion of my brain is in Google databases, accessible to everyone around the world. I only keep the index. Let me explain. The way I work is that I remember the most significant aspect of any concept and few keywords to identify the concept or idea and then I use Google to access the information whenever and wherever I need them. Yesterday someone was asking me about bi-directional synchronization of data. I instantly replied Unison. I remembered that it was different from rsync in that it allowed bi-directional synchronization and that's all I remembered. I didn't know who developed it, where to get, how to use it or anything else about it. A simple keyword and the core concept; that's all it takes to hunt down more information about any topic. That's why we have Google, our information backbone.
Stay hungry, stay foolish.While cleaning my computer I came across the audio of a very motivating commencement speech by Steve Jobs, delivered to 2005 Stanford graduates. The summary of the speech, in his own words, is:
Angsuman ChakrabortyWorking at DoubleTwist was my best experience as an employee. I loved every minute working there. I am still in touch with several of my friends from DoubleTwist. While cleaning my my old computer I found some pictures from my DoubleTwist days which brought back flood of memories, so I thought I should share. Nick Tsinoremas, Kyle Hart & Angsuman ChakrabortyOra WatsonTerri Espinoza &Angsuman Chakraborty with friends from QA Team All of them were taken by Edward during a party at his house after product launch. It was a fun night and he was a great host. I lost others photos from the same event. I would love to see them if you have it.
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