Machine translation is widely used to provide translation of any text / html content to another language. Wide ranging techniques starting from dictionary translation to artificial intelligence and statistical analysis is used for translating. Companies like Google and Altavista provide machine translation services on their websites only. Angsuman's Translator Plugin Pro brings their services to your wordpress blogs to make it much more popular and accessible to a much larger audience. We leverage services from different online translation service providers to provide reliable automatic machine translation for your blog in several languages (13+1 / 32) with intelligent caching and failover support; we handle their errors and problems so you don't have to. Machine translations are not perfect. Online Translator is for obtaining an instant and basic translation. In most cases it should adequately convey the general sense of the original.
US is standing on the cusp of the single most important event since the abolition of slavery and women's suffrage. In the coming Presidential election democrats are generally being considered as having a greater chance to win. Two of the prominent democrat candidates are Senator Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton, wife of ex-President Bill Clinton, and Senator Barack Obama. Either of them is a fine choice for US. Frankly anyone after Bush will automatically be a great choice but that is a topic for another day.
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