Java Browser SupportJava applets had taken a beating in the past. Now it appears applets are making a resurgence lately with some quality applet based products. But the real question is how much Java support in browsers it can count on today. Java Browser SupportRefreshingly Java is still supported on 97.92 % of the browsers based on our web site analytics. Flash is supported on 95.38 % of the browsers. The data excludes robot requests and counts unique visitors only.
WordPress in its infinite wisdom consumes one dash ( - ) and converts the other when there are two consecutive dashes like this: --. The solution is to use - twice instead of dash. - is the HTML escape sequence for a dash or hyphen or minus sign.
ANALYZE TABLE analyzes and stores the key distribution for a table. The MySQL query optimizer is the magic inside MySQL that decides which keys, if any, to use to in the query. ANALYZE helps query optimizer to make accurate decisions by detailed analysis of the data, unlike query optimizer which makes quick analysis.
We are adding finishing touches to the documentation. We will release it tomorrow, Wednesday.
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