java+php+rubyAll these three languages are generating a lot of buzz in the blogosphere. It appears Java is currently having an upswing while Ruby is having a downward trend. I hope it is just normal fluctuations for Ruby and not the expected shit-hits-the-fan reaction when Ruby starts getting adopted in the enterprise ( sorry couldn't resist :) ). If blogsphere is any indication PHP is still a rising star and getting lots of traction in the industry.
Simple Thoughts RankSimple Thoughts blog is ranked 6th worldwide by BlogPulse. BlogPulse is a service of Nielsen BuzzMetrics. What is BlogPulse? BlogPulse is an automated trend discovery system for blogs. Blogs, a term that is short for weblogs, represent the fastest-growing medium of personal publishing and the newest method of individual expression and opinion on the Internet. BlogPulse applies machine-learning and natural-language processing techniques to discover trends in the highly dynamic world of blogs.
Simple Thoughts LogoWe are few days away from redesigning this site. Here are few thoughts on what we want to achieve with this redesign effort. I think they will be useful to anyone looking for redesigning their blogs.
I am going into hibernation for a couple of days. I will be back during the weekend with full force :)
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