I was reading the outrage of Harry Potter fans regarding the premature review of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows book. I had read the review and it contains some spoilers like the meaning of deathly hallows, number of deaths (I am amazed that someone took the pain to actually count it!) etc. Harry Potter fans all over the world are outraged that NYT has released a premature (before official release date) review of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.
I was musing on how we could incorporate Harry Potter spells in corporate world. It looks feasible to me. Certain times the air becomes too thick and people begin to get too serious and self-important. Few spells applied at proper moments can break the somberness and make the process enjoyable while conveying the message. Let's begin with few simple examples:
MySQLWhat is auto reconnect in MySQL? The MySQL client library can perform an automatic reconnect to the server if it finds that the connection is down when you attempt to send a statement to the server to be executed. In this case, the library tries once to reconnect to the server and send the statement again. Automatic reconnection can be convenient because you need not implement your own reconnect code, but if a reconnection does occur, several aspects of the connection state are reset and your application will not know about it. This is extremely useful if you long running persistent connections to the database. Also if you have too many sql queries / use connection pool etc. auto reconnect is a handy feature. Let's look at how to enable / disable auto reconnect in MySQL and what are the side-effects of enabling auto reconnect.
I have to say Mrs. J. K. Rowling loves her Harry Potter fanbase too much and listens not only to their requests but their humors too. Spoilers ahead.... you have been warned.
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