HSQLDBI previously discussed how to extend HSQLDB relational database with simple Java functions. The example there actually implements case insensitive like query functionality for HSQLDB. Read the article to get an understanding of how to write such custom functions and how to use them. Then read below to find a solution for performing space crunched comparison of strings.
My favorite quote and song from Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows. The song has a spoiler. You have been warned.
Javascript Upload FormExt extension UploadForm is a new extension to easily upload multiple files from web interface to a server.
Normally we need fake id's when we are developing or testing any application with user authentication & entitlement. Fake ids are required to populate the database for testing. I wouldn't recommend that you use them to fill in the website registration forms which asks you for personal information, no Sir. Here is how you can do it.
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