TailRankMike @ TechCrunch wondered whether TailRank belonged to the technology deadpool. And today the top story on TailRank is a viagra spam post. The second headline story is a porn spam post. Below that are real stories but they’re months old. This is from the site that was “designed with spam prevention in mind.” His concerns are valid but there was much more when I visited TailRank.
Dataone BroadbandI am going to describe a simple no-brainer way to share your BSNL Dataone Broadband internet connection over wireless network. The same principles can be used with other broadband connections too. Here is what you need: 1. A normal non-wireless modem from BSNL which comes with the connection. You can also substitute it with an equivalent ADSL modem from market. Do not purchase the wireless modem from BSNL. 2. A wireless router. I successfully used Linksys WRT54G & Airlink+ routers.
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