I discovered a really cool way to use Subversion, my favorite version control system - automatic versioning / commit on save. Essentially with this simple tweak you can use subversioned files like you would use any ordinary files. You can open them in any editor, create or delete them. When you save a file it is actually saved and versioned in a remote subversion repository. Similarly the other file operations are transparently supported from a remote subversion installation. This greatly simplifies the life of new users and pros alike. You do not have to repeatedly remind your users to commit changes to repositories and no changes will ever be lost. Experienced users can still view history and do more complex operations.
Simple things should be simple. While starting with ExtJS, I saw a screencast on Grid which used a rather dubious method of making an AJAX call using an actual form element. I hunted for a better option and I came across a better option - Ext.data.Connection. Here's an working example on how you can easily make AJAX call in ExtJS library.
Online piracy is assuming alarming proportions and will continue to do so with the popularization of internet and better bandwidth availability to customers. Online piracy affects every material that can be moved online - music, video, books and software. A viable plan for stopping online piracy will take into account the numerous p2p distribution and tracker sites along with sites hosted in foreign countries which offers direct download.