I wish all Indians, in India and abroad, a happy Independence day on its 60th anniversary. I hope it heralds the beginning of ongoing prosperity and happiness for the whole country. May the country live upto its glorious past and may we even excel it.
I glanced over the Facebook source code for both index and search pages. As an enterprise developer of some experience, source code is always interesting to me as it provides an insight into the health of a company. The interesting highlights of the Facebook code are:
The challenges UK is facing in trying to quantify services in public sector like schools and hospitals. The results are often scary and exactly opposite to what was intended. However looking at how bad the government services in India perform ("sucks" would be almost too polite way to put it), I think it is much better to try to quantity the level of service than to allow these job-assured-irrespective-of-what-I-do-and-how-much-bribe-I-ask-and-incompetent-I-am public sector employees in India (with exceptions obviously) to continue to do what they love to do most - nothing.
All things being equal can blogging give you a distinct edge in employment? As an employer myself, I think the answer is a definitive yes. Let's see the reasons why.