I faced quite some problems, to say the least, in configuring Pidgin / Gaim to connect to OpenFire XMPP Server on Fedora Core 6. Here are the detailed steps for a no-brainer configuration of Gaim for OpenFire: 1. Click on Account->Add/Edit menu 2. Click on Add button in the Accounts screen 3. Select XMPP / Jabber as your protocol 4. Type your desired screen name 5. Type Domain as the hostname of the OpenFire server. For example I use jaguar.taragana.com where the server is currently located 6. Ignore Resource 7. Type in your Password and check Remember password 8. Click on Advanced tab 9. Check Force old(port 5223) SSL 10. Check Allow plaintext auth over unencrypted streams (may not be required) 11. Change Connect port to 5223 12. Type the host name of your OpenFire server in Connect server field. I used jaguar.taragana.com 13. Click Save and you are done.
I faced quite some problems in configuring Pidgin / Gaim with Google Talk on Fedora Core 6. Here are the detailed steps for a no-brainer configuration of Pidgin for Google Talk: 1. Click on Account->Add/Edit menu 2. Click on Add button in the Accounts screen 3. Select XMPP / Google Talk as your protocol 4. Type your screen name which is your GMail login name without the ending @gmail.com 5. Type Domain as gmail.com 6. Ignore Resource 7. Type in your Password and check Remember password 8. Click on Advanced tab 9. Check Force old(port 5223) SSL 10. Check Allow plaintext auth over unencrypted streams (may not be required) 11. Change Connect port to 5223 12. Type talk.google.com in Connect server field 13. Click Save and you are done.
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