You heard it right. I too am surprised to say the least. I am part of JavaJousters mailing list, a Java algorithms challenge group, where we discuss about JRobots tournaments and tips and tricks on creating or improving JRobots, an addictive game for java programmers. Today Ashmitha Govada joined the mailing list and then immediately proceeded to spam the list with several job offers. Some of you have probably seen such spamming techniques in the past; always from shady companies promoting shady MLM deals etc. However this time it was different. Ashmitha claimed she is from the Staffing team in ("Do no evil") Google, India. Ashmitha spammed us with several open positions for Google in India. Her email id is from Google.com domain which validates her claim. Her email headers also check out to be originating from Google controlled domains as far as I could verify. I am enclosing her full text of her email along with her email headers. You tell me whether Google is truly spamming us like every other two bit spammers or we have made a mistake.