Translator Plugin Gold for WordPress Blogs Statistics
Angsuman's Translator Plugin Gold has served over 3,033,523 translated pages since May 2007.
97.068% of the translated pages were served from cache.
Over 1,159,197 pages were served to human traffic (38.21%)
Don't you think your blog deserves such traffic boost too?
Translator Pro Gold does automatic machine translation of your blog to 32 languages with 5 translation engines and comes with multiple load balancing capabilities targeted for popular and high volume blogs. It is search-engine optimized, provides fail-over support and a rich API for all your customization needs. Intelligent persistent caching is provided for better performance, reducing network traffic and increasing reliability of service.
The supported languages are German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, Japanese, Korean, Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, Arabic, Dutch, Greek, Russian, Norwegian, Brazilian Portuguese, Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Finnish, Hungarian, Icelandic, Latin American Spanish, Filipino, Polish, Romanian, Serbian, Slovenian, Swedish, Welsh, Turkish and Latin.
Note: If your blog language is not English then you should refer to the detailed matrix of language translations supported.
This is a limited edition release. Only 100 copies will ever be sold and few copies are left. Please buy your copy now to avoid disappointment. Translator Plugin Gold is SEO’s dream come true.
You can also get Translator Plugin Pro which supports automatic machine translation of your blog in 14 languages. It comes with all the above features except for advanced IP, Tor & proxy based load balancing support and with 4 translation engines.
Both of the version provides detailed statistics of pages served. Check out my live statistics on the right sidebar of this blog. The numbers you see there will be higher than quoted above because it is continuously increasing with more visitors, even while I am soundly sleeping.