You can download all the previously unavailable telecommunication protocols here. For example, have you ever wondered about the FAX protocol? You can now get it for free here. This opens the domains to open source and small enterprises, which was so far restricted only to big businesses.
Just copy-n-paste the following word list to Comment Blacklist section in Options->Discussion (in WordPress administration) for protection against the most common types of medical / drug related comment spams. The list was derived by analyzing hundreds of thousands of spams.
508903 spam comments were blocked by Angsuman's Comment Guard plugin in 253 days 21 hours 54 minutes. 99.503% of the comments received during this time were spam. - All these spams for this blog alone. Check my right sidebar for the latest stats on Comment Guard Pro (pre-release version) for this blog. We are working hard to release a super-sexy anti-spam plugin for WordPress & Movable Type blogs. Say no to false positives and get not only zero automated robot spams but more, much more... Yes, you read that right. We will ensure zero robotic comment spams on your site. Frankly I am super excited looking at the efficiency of this plugin on all of our blogs. This is amazing to say the least. I can promise you it will be worth your every penny.
I solve this problem in a different way. Normally we write rules to send messages to a particular folder. In that rule I set one of the action as to also forward the email. Remember to use one of the email accounts for specifying your rule, otherwise your forwarding will fail. Read the details on forwarding emails in Thunderbird here.
I faced a vexing problem with the otherwise excellent Mozilla Thunderbird email client. I was unable to forward emails to another account using the rules in Message Filters. I can normally forward emails. I can also execute other actions in the message filters except forwarding. It fails with a simple error message: "Sending of message failed". The simple solution lies in understanding the design of email accounts & message filters in Thunderbird, as described below in details. BTW: At one point before solving this problem I even thought about switching to Evolution. And I am not alone. Several people posted the same problem on Mozilla forum without getting any solution.
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