We are having 2-3 reports of users seeing warnings (not error) using Translator Pro with the latest version of WordPress while posting a comment or publishing a post:
I am sick and tired of Yahoo Messenger Spam initiated primarily by Myfreecamhost and now joined by few new initiates too. Everyday, at the most inppropriate times I will get one or more messages from Yahoo Messenger asking me to watch some random female's webcam on myfreecamhost for free (obviously scam). I was using Yahoo Messenger via Pidgin / Gaim. I have disabled Yahoo Messenger from my IM client till Yahoo fixes the issue. I have a feeling that Yahoo is benefiting financially from these spam. What do you think?
AdBlock Plus is a controversial Firefox plugin to prevent ads from displaying on web pages. There is a simple procedure to detect (and take appropriate action) AdBlock Plus.
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