Dragonball Z and Ben 10 are my current favorites on Cartoon Network and for that matter is the only serials I watch on TV these days. Here are the showtimes for Cartoon Network India if you want to catch up with either of them.
PHP supports shared memory which can be used to store and retrieve data across processes. This is also another alternative way to communicate between php scripts. Normally shared memory is used for caching frequently used data in memory for php scripts on the same server. Let's see how we can use shared memory with a simple example.
Sample Java code to calculate PI to arbitrary precision. This uses Machin's formula: pi/4 = 4*arctan(1/5) - arctan(1/239).
PHP scripts such as WordPress, phpBB, phpMyAdmin etc. operate in their own world without much inter-process communication, even if they are running on the same Apache server. However sometimes you need to have a seamless way to communicate between PHP scripts without deadlock or resource contention. This is where messaging becomes useful. PHP allows you to easily communicate between scripts running on the same machine.