That's about the best you can say about the 8 Mbps plans from Airtel. The starter Combo 1299 plan provides 8 mbps @ only Rs. 1299 per month. If you think that is good, think again. There is a big catch.
On my question on what you love to some selected Twitter users, the best answer I received so far: "I love Jesus the most. I also love shrimp and lobster but in a totally different way!" - bubarda
I receive different kind of requests on my contact form, some genuine business requests, many thank you notes and few lame attempts to spam. Today, however I received a rather strange request through my contact form:
GrooveMonitor is a service utility that tracks groove behavour and creates reports for error reporting to MS (what else does it report?). It loads on startup. It gets installed when you install Office 2007. However it doesn't get uninstalled when you uninstall Office 2007. GrooveMonitor starts upon Windows startup (via registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run). In the words of one of my pained reader:
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