Let there be light and there was light. Let there be sound and there were music players. In quest of searching the best music player in Windows, I had to look into every minute detail of their features because they are almost similar in comparison. Windows Media Player, Jet Audio Player, Media Monkey and Winamp were the ones I tested this time.
To come up with a specific target one needs to go through different levels. I did so too to present to you an honest and deep review of these softwares. On the way, we lost two friends of ours, Windows Media Player and Jet Audio player because they were certainly not worth participating in the race for the best. Windows Media Player with its age old presets and EQs and only SRS WOW effects couldn't but fail.Though Jet Audio had a lot of options, still it wasn't the product I was expecting. So I had Winamp and Media Monkey to go for the final show.