We are very happy to announce the much-awaited release of Angsuman's Wordpress Guard Plugin. It is a must-have Wordpress security plugin (compatible with all versions of Wordpress and tested upto version 2.6.3) that protects the vulnerable areas of your blog from outside access with an additional layer of security.
Many popular WordPress websites were hacked and defaced by executing vulnerable codes in wp-admin, which shouldn't be accessed by outsiders in the first place. So it is widely recommended to password protect all the php files in your wp-admin.

All you used to know about pills are,
it cures your diseases
Its bad to taste.
Now here is Philips’ iPill (sounds more like iPhone no? But believe me, its not that touchy and delicate!) that has developed an intelligent pill. It contains a microprocessor, battery, wireless radio, pump and a drug reservoir to release medication in a specific area in the body. Whoof! So much for a tiny pill that I will have to swallow! (WTH!)
read more about it at gadgetophilia.com